Saturday, June 20, 2009


This one is about selfishness.

The people who want little VerniVern to believe this situation has been attended by the facility and fault of a particular segment, race, nationality, or gender.

VerniVern says there is a begining, middle and end. There are twists and turns. This situation has never been perpetrated or perpetuated by any one segment, race, nationality, or gender. But, has in all actuality, been the result of colusion and conspiracy on the part of a diverse population. It could not have initiated, advanced, and proceeded to this late date without that diversity of people, at different levels.

There are those who only suggest, in the most sly way, that they would be the ones to help me and those I belived have also been victims of this insidiousness. But there aims and motives are to selfish. They only seek to lay blame on their adversary, whoever or whatever that might be, ie: men, women, the establishment, one race or another, mainlanders, locals, etc. etc. etc.

Anyone who reads this information and does not come away with an understanding of the second paragraph is not only disallusioned but sadly dellusional and should seek immediate HELP.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Hawaii delegation rebuts racial claims aired on Akaka Bill

Somebody get Mazie a car.

Seen, apparently waiting for a bus across the street from the YMCA.